přípravek k prevenci biologického napadení fasád
OCHRANA FASÁD V1930 is intended for long-term preventive protection against biological attack (fungi, bacteria, mould, algae and moss) on façades and other mineral surfaces in the exterior, such as plaster, masonry, concrete, stone, roofing. V1930 is intended for direct use, so it is not diluted or otherwise modified. OCHRANA FASÁD serves as a reinforced and longer-term prevention of newly cleaned areas, in synergy with ČISTIČ FASÁDV1920 or diluted ČISTIČ FASÁD KONCENTRÁT V1923, and as a direct prevention against the possible formation of algae, moss, fungi, mould and bacteria at façades in problematic localities such as near the forest, waterways, wetlands, shady places, etc. V1930 does not contain chlorine, does not smell and there is no danger of changing the façade colour shade. The surfaces treated with OCHRANA FASÁD must not get in contact with consumables, feedstuffs and drinking water. The product must not be used for coating of children’s furniture and toys.